Save Money but Maintain Efficiency with a Used Truck Loading Ramp

If you own a truck of any kind, chances are you spend a good amount of time loading and unloading the bed with product, equipment or just about anything else. Whether it’s the conventional type or a trailer truck, you should consider a loading ramp to make the job that much easier. Said ramp is all you need to make the job go quicker and be safer. Plus, if you’re worried about the price, a used truck loading ramp solves the problem.

Makes Manual Loading Easier

Depending on what you haul, you may elect to load or unload your truck manually. If this is the case, you might already know how problematic this process can be. For one thing, it simply takes a lot of time. However, even if you have plenty of help, this process can be teeming with opportunities to hurt yourself. Sometimes the injury takes time to acquire, but all that lifting, especially over the transition from the truck bed to the ground, can be dangerous.

A loading tramp for your truck makes things much easier though. If you have barrels, they can be easily rolled up or down. For a very affordable sum of money you can also solicit the help of dollies and hand trucks to mobilize heavy objects you’d otherwise have trouble lifting. Of course, a forklift will make just about any item easy to maneuver.

Ideal for Warehouses

Most warehouses come standard with a loading dock or companies elect to install one. They certainly make sense for unloading large trailer trucks. Yet that doesn’t mean they’re good enough all by themselves. Many companies could use a loading ramp for their trucks, too. These helpful tools come in handy if anything happens to your loading dock or if you have several, but they’re all in use when another truck needs to be unloaded. Thanks to how mobile they are, help is never very far away.

Save Money with a Used Version

Truck loading ramps are made to take on all kinds of wear and tear. This includes the climate, the countless feet that will step on it over the years and even the wheels and weight of a forklift and all the cargo it carries. So you don’t have much to worry about when considering buying a used truck loading ramp. It’s not like some fragile piece of equipment that may have hidden damage. Given how basic a truck loading ramp is, it will be pretty easy to recognize if something is amiss.

This is just one more great way a truck loading ramp helps out. By purchasing one used you get all the benefits at a much lower price. Plus, simply having a truck loading ramp at your disposal will help you save money over time.

If your company needs trailer trucks to function or you drive the conventional type and need the bed regularly, a loading ramp is a worthwhile investment. For those with a modest budget to consider, a used truck loading ramp will fit the bill and then some.


The Best Loading Dock Equipment Is a Ramp

If your livelihood depends on a loading dock, you’ve probably considered all types of equipment to make it even more effective. Seeing as how the dock exists to help trucks load and unload more efficiently, it makes sense that this equipment would all be aimed at aiding this process. That’s why, of all the loading dock equipment you could possibly consider, a ramp is by far the most important.

Leverage Other Equipment

One of the greatest advantages of a simple ramp is that it allows you to leverage all the other loading dock equipment you may have at your disposal. For example, without a loading ramp, you probably aren’t getting the most from your forklift. It can only do so much without being able to get inside the truck. With a ramp, the forklift can drive in and out of the trailer truck with ease. Otherwise, it’s so limited, it might not even be worth the investment.


Furthermore, loading docks can be moved with ease to wherever they’re needed. It doesn’t take any special training (as with a fork lift, for example), either, so anyone on your staff can help. Once moved to the ideal location, a loading dock can then allow a forklift, dolly, hand truck, etc. easy access.

Makes Manual Loading Easier

Some companies don’t have a forklift amongst their assets. So when a truck comes, their workers unload it manually. Generally, this works with an assembly line of workers who hand the products off from one to the next. Aside from going slowly, this method often puts workers at risk. They often have to bend down to make the transition from the person on the truck bed to the person below.

A loading ramp makes this so much easier, though. Workers simply walk in and walk out, carrying what they can or using a hand truck or dolly to load up on more. You get more unloaded in less time and with far less risk of injury to anyone.

Can Replace the Loading Dock

Many companies have a facility equipped with a loading dock, though they don’t actually need it. They’ve simply been led to believe that if they need a truck unloaded and loaded, they need a loading dock to assist. However, many companies find that a ramp is just as effective. Of course, it’s also far more affordable. So if your company only receives a few trucks a day, a ramp may make far more sense than a loading dock.

Built to Last

No loading dock equipment should necessarily be fragile, but loading ramps are probably some of the toughest. They’re built to stand up to everything from harsh weather conditions to the crawl of a forklift and whatever additional weight it may be carrying. As they’re such a simple design, it’s also not like you need to worry about wires getting messed up or something spilling on the control panel.

Although an effective loading dock may need all types of equipment, one certainly stands apart from the rest. A good loading ramp makes more possible for less and in a very simple way.


Stationary Yard Ramps Deliver More than Just Cargo

Companies that deal with shipments via trailer trucks have no shortage of equipment to consider to improve their operation. Of them all, however, stationary yard ramps may be some of the best. Amongst many things, they provide the following benefits:

•Forklift Access

First, though, let’s take a look at what we mean when we say a stationary yard ramp.

What Is a Stationary Yard Ramp?

The name pretty much says it all, really. A stationary yard ramp is just a flat surface that provides a transition from one point to another, usually because there is a change in height. So you’ll often see stationary yard ramps used to move materials from the lot outside a warehouse up to the loading dock or vice versa. Other times, it might be used to provide a transition from the ground to the back of a trailer truck.


One of the main benefits of using a stationary yard ramp is just how affordable it is. Given how much it can do, the price is really negligible. For example, without one of these ramps, your workers would need to offload or load trucks manually. This would take a number of them constantly bending over to lift and move heavy objects. Aside from the risk of injury, this is also going to take a very long time, and you’re going to have to pay for it.

With stationary yard ramps, though, this isn’t your only option. So you save time and money.

Forklift Access

We just covered how one method you can use for better results is utilizing a stationary yard ramp so your workers can more effectively move cargo in or out of the truck. However, this is still a manual option and, thus, far from ideal.

With a stationary yard ramp, you can just ride a forklift into and back out of your truck. This advantage cannot be overstressed. Forklifts are designed to carry more than any worker ever could and move loads faster than any worker ever could. Therefore, it can load and unload in a fraction of the time you’d be doing it with nothing but manual labor. Once again, you save time and money.


It would take a lot to compromise a stationary yard ramp in any way. They’re generally made from steel, but even the aluminum ones can take a beating. Climate, foot traffic, and even the weight of a forklift and its load will go unnoticed by your stationary yard ramp.

Despite all these advantages, a stationary yard ramp may be one of the easiest pieces of equipment in your entire warehouse. It’s literally nothing more than a flat plane that operates on the law of gravity. There’s no cinder-block-sized instruction manual to read through, yet the benefits can’t be overstated.

So if you want more from your current operation where the warehouse is concerned, consider purchasing a stationary yard ramp. With options to rent, you really have no excuse for not finding out what these tools can do.